I am back in Berlin for a month.
using the extra 3 weeks before my gig starts, I decided to make it as a self-made artist in residence/retreat.
that means.
I focus on writing, developing and recording some new songs, and take good care of my physical and mental self.
having already met my good friends and had catch ups made me relaxed and brought me back to my Berlin life, meeting with my producer kicked in to switch my creative mode. and I decided to join this writing course, in which I have no idea what we are going to do, but it sure will help to be accompanied like this.
even in the course application email, the coach mentioned that we should consider making some changes to our lifestyle during the course, so that we could focus more on ourselves. changes including diet, physical exercise and some reading.
so my plan for this 6 weeks is...
-less sugar, gluten, caffein (coffee), and alcohol.
-more home cooking
-daily exercise, yoga, and jogging
-more inputs and outputs
-daily music writing
-video contents making
this reminds me of my last month in NYC 8 years ago, when I took one month Yoga teacher training while I was still working full time. (I don't remember how I did that but it was a mess. lol)
and I really appreciate that I have set this time aside for myself, and I am able to make this happen, though it takes a bit of courage to take another time off from work.
I don't know how to make it happen yet, but this is how I want to live my life. focusing on myself, and creating something for myself.
sometimes I do too much and too fast that my body and feeling get left behind.
a friend of mine was saying the same thing the other day. and that reminded me of something that I have read before, a story from a climber, who told that the guide team stops in the middle of the way, not willing to move at all even how they try to plead or pay more to move them, saying that their spirit is left behind because they walked too quickly, so they need to sit and wait for the spirit to catch up.
I think I have a lot of energy to move quickly and get many things done in a short time, but at the same time, I am a very sensitive and emotional person, who needs to stop sometime and have the silence to sense what's happening in the body. and playing and creating music is a way for me to reflect and output how I feel what I feel, and share the experience which connects us in very intimate manner.
so I will share how I take my stop, and hope that inspires you somehow.

自分で勝手にアーティスト イン レジデンス&リトリート。